easy wine recipe / 3 minutes wine / wine recipe
Black dry grapes – 500 gm
Sugar – 1/2 to 1+ 1/4 cup
(200 to 400 gm + 100 gm)
Cinnamon stick – 1 small piece
Clove – 3 to 5 nos
Nutmeg – 1small piece
Lemon – 1 no
Yeast – 1/4 to 1/2 tsp
Water – 2 + 1 litre
Boil 2 litre water then add sugar, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg stire well and add washed black dry grapes & lemon pieces. Allow to cook for 10 minutes.
After 10 minutes turn off the heat and keep aside for 2 hrs.
After cool down remove the water and blend the grapes.
Then strain the water and pulp together & add 1 litter boiled and cooled water. keep it one day and started to enjoy easy wine.
#metcysadukkala #winerecipe #easywinerecipe
#drygrapeswine #kismiswine